So I can't say whether you'd like Graces or not, but take of that what you will. At least it doesn't take itself overly seriously so it doesn't get quite as caught up in the overwrought melodrama of games like Abyss and Arise (although there's definitely still some of that). It's the only Tales game I've played where I actually found every character fun to use.Īnd while a lot of people will refer to Graces' writing as horrible, and I certainly don't think it's particularly good, I also don't find it all that much worse than the other Tales games I've played. But Graces has a very different and faster-paced combat system which I find way, way more fun and in-depth than the typical Tales game, eliminating TP (which simply discourages you from using most of your moveset) and focusing on precise timing and elaborate chaining of abilities to hit enemy weaknesses. Click to expand.Speaking from my own experience, I've played most of the popular Tales games like Symphonia, Abyss, Vesperia, Arise, and found them all to be in the range of okay to poor.